Aumund Foundation – Education and Training
  • Aumund Foundation_Voluntary Health Services

The Voluntary Health Services

The Voluntary Health Services, India

Project location: India


Funding since 2023

Project: Scholarships for nursing trainees

The Voluntary Health Services hospital in Chennai received support from the Indian subsidiary of the AUMUND Group of companies for the first time in 2021, as emergency aid during the Covid pandemic, and donations were later provided for the children’s ward. The hospital was founded back in the late 1950s with the aim of providing first-class specialist health care for less fortunate sections of the population. This is still the objective today, as confirmed by the director of the hospital and his team during our visit in March 2023. The hospital’s mission statement confirms, “Our team at VHS are fully committed to fulfilling the criteria of accessibility, affordability and availability.”

The logical combination of education and health projects has always been at the core of our philosophy. This led to us developing an idea together during our visit, and a scholarship programme for trainee nurses was created. The young women all come from underprivileged backgrounds, and this opportunity to qualify in a first-class hospital opens doors to a new life for them and their families.

Our longtime consultant Prasad Rao and his wife Lata took the opportunity to meet all ten scholarship recipients. We look forward to meeting them ourselves in November 2024.