Aumund Foundation – Education and Training

Sagar School

Sagar School, India

Project location: India


Funding since 2020
(since 2018 via the Franz-W. Aumund-Stiftung)

Project: Round Square scholarships for children from vulnerable backgrounds

Even before the Sagar School became a member of the international Round Square family we were supporting orphaned girls with scholarships, because our Founder had a particular connection to the Sagar School. Back in 1998 its founder Dr Vidya Sagar told Franz-Walter Aumund that he was establishing the school, and with the following objectives, saying, “To sum up my conclusion; with its picturesque location, the quality of the education provided, the mixture of cultures to be promoted and the variety of extracurricular activities on offer, the school boasts all the characteristics of a really exceptional institution.” Dr Sagar, who was a lawyer and a member of the advisory board of the AUMUND subsidiary in India, enjoyed Franz-Walter Aumund’s unwavering trust, which is why in 2018 the Sagar School became the first project partner of the Franz-W. Aumund-Stiftung in India.

What would Dr Sagar say if he knew that this was the cornerstone of the project so close to Franz-Walter Aumund’s heart, the awarding of scholarships to Round Square schools?

There are many success stories which result from the scholarships. One of these is that of Roopal, our first scholarship recipient at the Sagar School. At the age of 11 years she was warmly recommended to us for a scholarship by the Udayan Care orphanage, and has been showing us ever since that we were right to put our trust in her. What a joy it was for us to enable her to participate in the Round Square International Conference in Nairobi, and afterwards to read her feedback, “It was quite overwhelming to interact with others and to have contact to different people of the world. It was great to find out about their cultures, customs and way of life.”